United Church of Marco Island is supported by the generosity of God's people. Our giving brings us great joy. In giving to God's church and to those in need, we help others experience heaven on earth. Indeed God loves a cheerful giver: "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Why Give Online?
It’s a personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits we frequently hear:
Deciding to give faithfully in advance is a spiritual commitment.
It helps simplify life.
It’s a weekly act of worship, even when I cannot attend worship.
It allows me to give consistently.
If you are more comfortable giving during worship, that’s great. As another option, online giving is a convenient tool for anyone who wants to financially support the ministry of the United Church of Marco Island – to fulfill your pledge, schedule regular contributions, or give a one-time contribution.
As you make your gift online to United Church, do so with "cheer" in your heart. For your gift truly matters to God's kingdom.
Please Click, " Donate Today" and follow the prompts to make your desired donations for today and the future. If you have any questions please contact our Church Office.
NOTE: Clicking on the “Donate Today” button will take you to a website operated by an unaffiliated third party, PushPay, where you can make a financial contribution or set up recurring contributions! As PushPay operates the Online Giving page, please review their website Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before providing any personal or financial information.
Supplemental Giving Opportunities
For decades, United Church’s Endowment Fund has anchored United Church through all seasons of the church’s life. The corpus of the Endowment Fund, however, has remained intact—always ensuring that the church is financially rooted in a rock-solid foundation.
The Capital Improvement Funds ensure that the campus buildings at United Church and the Bargain Basket thrift store will always be beautiful and current. In years past, this fund has been used at United Church for projects such as a new sanctuary roof, a new sanctuary air conditioning system, a new sound system, a new church sign, a new steeple atop Disseler Hall, new appliances, landscaping additions, and a new asphalt for the parking lot. At the Bargain Basket Thrift store, the fund has been used for multiple in-store renovations.
Named after the late Dave Rush, United Church’s Rush Fund provides financial aid to church members in need. Over the years, the Rush Fund has been used to assist families in need with medical and dental bills…it’s been used to fix the leaking roof of a widow living on a fixed income…it’s been used to help families in need with the funeral expenses… These are just a few examples of how this fund has blessed those within the congregation who need basic assistance.
Established decades ago, by the Nikkela Family, this fund for continuing education has blessed the learning of both congregants and staff alike. This Nikkela Fund has made it possible for United Church to host nationally acclaimed speakers for our Men’s and Women’s Fellowship groups. The fund has also been used for initiatives such as training our Bargain Basket Volunteers in customer service. Moreover, the fund has been used to resource continuing education initiatives for United Church’s gifted and talented staff.
United Church’s children are the future of God’s kingdom! In years past, United Church’s Children Fund has been used to purchase Christmas presents for families at United Church who are in need. The Children’s Fund has also been used for family Christmas fellowship meals and the funding of numerous children’s ministry initiatives including Vacation Bible School, children’s sacred music opportunities, and community service projects.